Category: by Mike Evans

Of Course I Know God Loves Me!

Dear Friends, For much of my life, I thought I understood how much God loved me. My relationship with God was comfortable and safe. I called on Him when I needed something, He didn’t put too many demands on me and I did those things I felt were required to stay on His good side. […]

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Alaska Was Over The Top!

Dear Friends, I just returned from a Prayer Conference at Community Covenant Church in Eagle River, Alaska. Judith MacNutt and I were the two presenters. I brought along with me Stephen Brown who is a dear friend, a confidant, and a man who boldly prays expecting results. This was one of the most anointed meetings […]

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His Kingdom Come!

Dear Friends, I am excited to return to Community Covenant Church in Eagle River, Alaska to participate in a conference April 20-22 with one of my dear friends, Judith MacNutt. This is my second visit to this church and I remember some of the exciting miracles of healing we witnessed. In addition, I had the […]

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Will You Be My Father?

Dear Friends, On one of my trips to Romania, I was invited to go speak to the kids in an orphanage. These were mostly boys up through eighteen years of age. I was sharing the story of Jesus and the life we can have with Him and what it meant to be a child of […]

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Make Me Steadfast And Willing!

Dear Friends, The other morning I had one of those moments as I was reading Psalms when I was struck by the words “steadfast and willing.” The passage reads, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from you presence or take your Holy […]

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