Month: February 2015

Our Missionary Family in Romania

Dear Friends, I wanted to give you an update on Eduard and Ibi Rudolf who work among the Orphans and Gypsies in Cluj and villages in Romania. Wholeness Ministries has been a significant part of financial support for this family for many years and we want to be able to continue that support with your […]

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Why Are You Coming Back!

Many of us are familiar with the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. At some point the son realized that his life was in shambles and that returning to his father was necessary for staying alive. It says in the story that when the son thought about going back to the father his […]

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He Is So Proud of You!

It’s difficult for us to grasp that God is proud of us. Like a father is proud of his son or daughter so our Father God is proud of us. We might rightly respond, “What is there to be proud of? I’ve never done anything significant. I’m not famous; I’ve never written a book or […]

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