Category: by Mike Evans

What An Exciting Turnout!

Dear Friends, In last months newsletter I wrote about an upcoming seminar I was offering two Saturdays in August and two Saturdays in September. The seminar was to be training from my book Learning To Do What Jesus Did. The seminar is being offered at Manna located in downtown Bakersfield at 1520 19th St. The […]

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Learning To Do What Jesus Did!

Dear Friends, There are so many exciting things to tell you about but let me start with this: We are going to be holding a training event from my book Learning To Do What Jesus Did, Beginning August 24, 2024. The event will be held two Saturdays in August and two Saturdays in September. This […]

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We Are God’s Workmanship!

Dear Friends, I was reading this morning in Ephesians 2:1-10 when I came across this word, “workmanship” which jumped out at me. Ephesians 2:9.10 “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advanced for us to do.” I immediately wanted to know exactly what that meant […]

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Are You Ready?

Dear Friends, As I write this letter I want to continue with the theme we have been looking at more closely this year and that is the Second coming of Christ and the Rapture of the church. Though we don’t know the day nor the hour we do know it is going to happen. I […]

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Still Riding Shotgun With God

Dear Friends, I’ve received some very encouraging feedback on my new book. There are so many stories to tell that I put them down in a book titled, Riding Shotgun With God. This book is filled with stories of the miracles and the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that I have seen over the last […]

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