Category: by Mike Evans

Our Missionary Family In Hungary

I wanted to give you an update on Adam and Orsi Balogh who work in Budapest and also among the villages in Hungary. Wholeness Ministries has been a significant part of financial support for this family for many years and we want to be able to continue that support with your help. It’s exciting to […]

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21st Year Anniversary!

July 1994 was the inception of Wholeness Ministries as an official independent Non-profit organization. We are excited to celebrate this month our 21st Year Anniversary. It hardly seems real to me that we have been at this for 21 Years. I went back to look at that first newsletter that I mailed out and decided […]

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God, How do I do this?

Recently I had one of those moments as I was reading Psalms 51:10-12 when I was struck by the words “steadfast and willing.” The passage reads, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. […]

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Jesus Didn’t Hand Out Crutches!

In the Gospels we are commanded to preach the good news of the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. When we bring in the Kingdom of God human brokenness in all it’s forms is healed. The disabled jump to their feet, the deaf hear, the blind see, the dead show up for dinner. […]

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Imprisoned by the C.I.A.

If you allow unforgiveness to remain in your life, you will be imprisoned by one of these three traps: Condemnation, Intimidation, and Accusation. An easy way to remember these is the acronym C.I.A. THE FIRST TRAP: CONDEMNATION Condemnation means, “To pronounce judgment against or to declare unfit for use.” Occasionally in ministry we run into […]

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