You Never Know The Impact You Are Having!

Mike-P1020072-200Dear Friends,

I recently received a report regarding the statistics from 2024 showing the number of times our website was visited. Total page views for the year were 4,662. It also broke down the number of times each page was viewed with numbers that were very encouraging. You may not be aware of this but the entire nine DVD video series I did on “Learning To Do What Jesus Did” is available on YouTube. The total number of views on the videos were surprising to me and according to the statistics the YouTube channel is still growing with more subscribers and more views. Not only that but we have visitors from around the world. The countries with the most visitors were: United States 3,691, United Kingdom 101, Canada 100, Germany 85 and even Australia 69.

I received a text recently from my friend Howard Kliever. He had referred a lady to our teaching videos on YouTube. She was looking for some help in praying for healing for others at their church. She shared with him over the weeks how much she enjoyed the videos and later wrote Howard a note that said in part; “Mike Evans has truly given me insight and action steps on how to facilitate the prayer night.”

I don’t often think about what is happening on our website nor how much help those videos are to people, so it is encouraging to receive some feedback occasionally to know that Wholeness Ministries is having an impact in many ways and on people around the world.

“My Son..”
In the morning I often read chapters 2-4 in Proverbs as a part of my morning devotion time. As I was reading in Proverbs this morning what jumped out at me were the words, “My Son.” I have read these Proverbs for so many years but when I read those words this morning it struck me in a new way. Thinking about being a son of God is kind of overwhelming. Not only are we heirs to all his son Jesus was an heir to; but we can go into His presence and be with Him any time we choose.

Go back with me to the Old Testament Psalm 8:3-6; “When I consider the heavens and the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than God and crowned him with glory and honor.”

He even went a step farther and told us that we have been marked with a seal which is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance. Ephesians 1:13-14 “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing your inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession to the praise of his glory.” How much more does God have to do before you understand your value and worth to Him? These verses in Proverbs do not exclude daughters as many translations read “my child” which is also a correct understanding of these passages. We, his children are all included in these promises.

Keep us in your prayers as you are in our prayers. May God continue to provide, protect and nurture you in the coming days.

God bless,


“Learning To Do What Jesus Did” is available on YouTube.

In addition to the 9 DVD series being available through Wholeness Ministries you can now watch the entire series on YouTube. The book, an excellent training manual, has been taught around the world and is available in English and Spanish. You can buy the Book, CD’s or DVD’s at the Wholeness Shop.

Learning To Do What Jesus Did (9 parts)
Available on Youtube

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