mike-evans-187The end of this last month we held our FREEDOM RETREAT. What an exciting time we had together. You could feel the tangible presence of God when you walked into the room. Not only that but there was an excitement and expectation of what was about to happen.

Mark and Dawn Thompson did most of the teaching using material from my book, Before You Get Here. They are both gifted teachers with a good balance of honesty and experience from their own lives. They covered a variety of topics written to help us deal with all the emotional baggage we carry around. Baggage that is the result of things that are said or done to us and can cause deep emotional pain. Almost always there are issues of unforgiveness to face as well as other issues that cause us pain.

Mark.Dawn-Thompson-400We often have a misunderstanding of our Father God’s love for us so we talked about that and tried to help them understand how loved and valued they are by God. Another topic was dealing with a Wounded Self-Image, which can have a debilitating effect if not addressed. Other issues that are not often talked about included Inner Vows, Curses and Soul Ties. Curses can be the result of generational sin or occult involvement. Soul Ties include sexual relationships we’ve been involved in before marriage or outside of marriage. It’s amazing that although we may as a society have a very casual attitude toward sex, there are significant consequences emotionally and spiritually from our involvement in sex outside of a covenant marriage relationship.

Each of these topics were taught and then we spent a significant amount of time after each teaching providing ministry to those who wanted it. We had available 24 prayer ministers. When a topic was dealt with we then provided time for people to go for prayer with one of our prayer ministers and deal with that issue in their life. It was exciting for me to watch and listen to what God was doing as I looked around the room. There was confession, repentance, tears and laughter. It was a safe place to get real where you could say what you may have never said to anyone about the wounds inside you that were deep and painful. FREEDOM provides a place that is safe and healing.

People attended from a number of different churches as well as those who came from other cities outside of Bakersfield. The worship was terrific, the food was outstanding and the fellowship was fun. As we wrapped up Saturday afternoon we heard some testimonies that clearly demonstrated God’s freeing and healing power were at work during the weekend! Person after person stood up and shared the healing and freedom they felt. They shared how they had been carrying this around for many years and didn’t know what to do with it. Now they were able to face it, release it and experience freedom such as they had never thought possible!

Freedom is Available!

bygh-cover-full-400My newest book, subtitled Baggage To Drop On Your Way To Heaven, is a guide to assist in discovering freedom from the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat many Christians today.

Testimony thus far from one who read the book, “Mike I’m halfway through your book and I can’t put it down. It is absolutely excellent! Thank You!”

Before You Get Here: Baggage To Drop On Your Way To Heaven is available in our online bookstore.

Coming in June

Ignite Conference in Cromwell, Connecticut June 24-27 with Christian Healing Ministries.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

God bless,
