Still Riding Shotgun With God
May 1, 2024
Dear Friends,
I’ve received some very encouraging feedback on my new book. There are so many stories to tell that I put them down in a book titled, Riding Shotgun With God. This book is filled with stories of the miracles and the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that I have seen over the last 27+ years of ministry. If you haven’t ordered a copy and read this book yet, do so, as it will encourage you and increase your faith and expectancy. The book is just a snapshot of some of the incredible experiences I have had. I look forward in the coming years to many new and exciting things that our God will reveal about Himself.
You can order “Riding Shotgun With God” directly from the Wholeness Store at THIS LINK.
Recently I read in one of Brennan Manning’s books about Father God’s love for us. He said, “I love you as you are not as you should be because you’re never going to be as you should be.” Did you get that? YOU’RE NEVER GOING TO BE AS YOU SHOULD BE! All of us without exception live with this nagging feeling that we should be something better than we are. We are convinced that in order to be this something, if we do those things that we should, we will then be worthy of God’s love. We have thoughts like, I should read my Bible more, pray more, spend more time with God, go to church more; I should, I should, I should. We are convinced that if we do the “should’s” then we will be loved by God because we will be what we should be. These actions will make us worthy of God’s love.
It is difficult for us to grasp that God loves us even when we are unlovable, inconsistent, irritable, incompetent, irrational, inconsiderate, and a pain in the neck. We have been conditioned to believe that when we are kind, giving, loving, patient with those we don’t even like, then we are worthy to be loved by God. If we’re not, we’re not. The Bible says to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with your entire mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. (Mt. 22:37-39) If we don’t love ourselves we’re certainly not going to be able to love our neighbor. And many of us don’t love ourselves because we feel that we are not worthy to be loved because we are not what we should be.
Fortunately, our worth is not based on our actions. In reality we are all unworthy of God’s love. Even if you think you’re worthy, you’re not. The very idea that you are worthy is preposterous. We are broken people with weaknesses and character defects. This condition is best described as being fully human.
The Good News is that we have been redeemed. Thomas Merton wrote, “God is asking me, the unworthy, to forget my unworthiness and that of my brothers, and dare to advance in the love which has redeemed and renewed us all in God’s likeness.” (Merton’s Palace of Nowhere, pg.71)
If you can accept that you are loved as you are and not as you should be then you will begin to accept that God’s love for you and His choice of you will define your worth. You are radically and irrationally loved by God because you are His beloved.
Thank you for your prayers and faithful support of this ministry. You are much appreciated.
God bless,
I’ve received some very encouraging feedback on my new book. It is filled with over 150 testimonies of miraculous healings I have personally witnessed. Give it a read. You will be encouraged to see how God is still moving powerfully today.
You can order directly from our store at THIS LINK – Riding Shotgun With God