God Is So Great – We Are So Small!
November 1, 2023
Dear Friends,
As I was reading one of my morning devotionals this statement caught my attention. It reminded me how amazing it is that God, the creator of everything; also choose to dwell within us! Here is the quote from the devotional; Jesus Calling.
“I AM THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH: Lord of all that is and all that will ever be. Although I am unimaginably vast, I choose to dwell within you with my presence. ONLY IN THE SPIRIT REALM COULD SOMEONE SO INFINITELY GREAT LIVE WITHIN SOMEONE SO VERY SMALL.”
For some reason in all of my years following after Jesus Christ, reading and hearing that God dwells within us never penetrated my small brain that this is indeed an unusual relationship. Most likely because I never seriously thought about how great God is and how small we are by comparison as His creation. And as far as we know, humans are the only creatures in all of creation within which God dwells by His Holy Spirit.
Since we have within us the Holy Spirit of God we are able to draw upon Him to guide, protect, and provide for us as we continue in this journey of life. Why then do we so often and so easily not call upon Him? Why is it so much easier for us to think that we can do it ourselves? This is usually the way we act when the path looks easy and straightforward. We think, “I can handle this.” But that is when we are in the greatest danger of stumbling.
When life throws something at us that can easily overwhelm us, then we call upon God to help. How much simpler this journey would be if we were to draw upon the Holy Spirit daily as we face whatever life would throw at us that day. The difficulty of what we are facing makes little difference to God as He is easily able to handle it. Do you actually think God is surprised by anything? That anything is to difficult for him to handle?
Going back to the beginning of this letter, God is so great-we are so small; it is astounding to me that we can spend as much time in his presence as we want. I often jokingly refer to my morning time as having coffee with God. I wake up, grab a cup of coffee and go into my study to sit down and spend time with God. Think about that for a moment. The God who is the creator of everything that is in the entire universe will come and sit with me each morning just to hang out. Sometimes we talk and sometimes we just sit there together. Whether we talk or do anything is not the point, but that we are together.
I remember many years ago when I was sitting in the canyon up by the Kern River and God said to me, “Michael, I’m going to teach you how to be a friend and friends just hang out.” That was a revelation to me, that God wanted some time to just hang out with me. Did you get that? God also wants to hang out with you!
When you feel as if you don’t count for much or you don’t have much to contribute remember that God your creator thinks so much of you that he wants to hang out with you! Yes God is so great and we are so small, but He gave his own son for us so that we might spend eternity with Him! That how much He loves us.
Thank you for your prayers and support for Wholeness Ministries. You are vital in our continuing work.
God bless,
Moving Beyond A Superficial Relationship With God To Live In Intimacy With Him
God wants to hang out with you. We so often feel as if we must be doing something even when we are with God that it’s difficult for us to grasp that He wants to be our friend. In order for deep friendship to develop there are times when we must spend time together doing absolutely nothing but being together.
This book will help you understand that, but only if you apply it will it help you live it. Everything in this world fights against time alone with God. Everything in God longs for time alone with us. Why would you possibly choose to be influenced by the former?
“This book frames spiritual growth with God’s heart, given in his Son and validated by His Spirit. This book demolishes our excuses and defenses against divine intimacy. This book is for those willing to have a fresh self-encounter and a fresh God-encounter,” Dr. Don Williams
You can order directly from our store at THIS LINK – Why Not Waste Time With God or call 661-833-2920.