It Has Arrived!

bygh-cover-full-400My newest book, subtitled Baggage To Drop On Your Way To Heaven, is a guide to assist in discovering freedom from the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat many Christians today.

Chapters include:
The Importance of Forgiveness
The Traps of Unforgiveness
A Look in the Mirror
I Will Never
Harmful Words and Harmful Connections
Let Yourself Be Loved By God
The Recovery of Intimacy
and more…

Before You Get Here is available here at and at both as paperback and Kindle.

TESTIMONIES thus far from those that have read the book:

“Thank you for your wonderful new book! It arrived with it’s wonderful content at just the right time for me, laboring with a load of guilt for some rather unchristian behavior on my part yesterday and asking “how could I be so stupid and unkind, and it’s Christmas week!”…so bless you for your timeliness.”

“Mike I’m halfway through your book and I can’t put it down. It is absolutely excellent! Thank You!”

“Mike, I’m enjoying your book. I’m reading it slowly but it’s causing me to search for unforgiveness in my heart. I’ve usually only looked at big things but I’m asking God to show me all of it! Thank you.”

In addition I received a letter the other day from a lady that read my book Why Not Waste Time With God?

“I’m writing to let you know how your ministry impacted me 8-10 years ago. I was attending a conference and you talked a lot about Wasting Time With God and on how God formed your identity. I remember you said that for a long time you thought you knew God but it turned out you just knew about God. To know God we have to spend time (waste time) with Him. You talked about being picked on as a young fellow and how it impacted your identity, but that God gave you a sport that you excelled at, which helped bring you out of that time.”

“Since your ministry I have realized the truth of what you said, that we Christians may “know” God too superficially. I have begun to spend a lot of time with God and the difference is incredible. Your words settled into my heart and have stayed there for these 8 or so years. The Holy Spirit is still using your words. God bless you richly this day and may many be healed and blessed under your ministry and greatly impacted for Jesus.”

Both of these books are available in the Wholeness Ministries store at

January 21-25, St. Dennis Catholic Church, Lockport Ilinois
Healing Conference with workshops Friday and Saturday.
For more information contact: 815-838-2592

Be sure to follow us to keep up with all the latest happenings at:
Wholeness Ministries







Thank you for your faithful support over the years. You are very much a part of all we do both here in the U.S. and overseas.

Have a blessed and Happy New Year.
