Jesus Didn’t Hand Out Crutches!

mike-P1020072-txt-300In the Gospels we are commanded to preach the good news of the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. When we bring in the Kingdom of God human brokenness in all it’s forms is healed. The disabled jump to their feet, the deaf hear, the blind see, the dead show up for dinner. The strong message is that we are to bring in the Kingdom of God by doing exactly what Jesus did when He was here on earth.

I have come to the place in this journey where my expectations are so high when I pray for someone that I am surprised when they are not healed. Let me be quick to point out that while there are many I pray for who are healed, there are also those who are not healed. But that doesn’t stop me from praying and expecting healing. When you pray for people to be healed, pray expecting them to be healed. Don’t pray hoping something will happen but pray expecting something to happen.

We live in a broken world where doctors can treat much of our sickness and disease. And that is often who we turn to when sickness first strikes. I have found that much of the time rather than seek prayer first, we seek medical help and if that doesn’t work then we try prayer. To me that is tragic! Should not prayer for healing be the first thought that comes to us?

Why do you suppose we seek medical care as our first response? I believe in part it is because we have easy access to medical care. If we show up at most any hospital emergency room they are required by law to treat us. In many countries people do not have access to hospitals, doctors or medical care and so prayer for them is their only hope.

Also, what I have observed in my journey as I’ve prayed for people is that they often focus on what has not happened rather than on what has happened. I’ve conducted a number of healing conferences, workshops on healing, etc. Often during these workshops as part of the training and equipping we pray for the sick. If we pray for ten people and nine of them are healed the focus often turns to the one who was not healed. I always say, “I do not have an answer about the one who was not healed because I am not God. But why not rejoice and give thanks for the nine who were healed!”

We are living in an age where the majority of the denominational churches are shrinking in influence, power and numbers, especially among the young. Why is that? I believe it is because they are desperate for something that works, something that is applicable to them that is real and gives them answers for what they are facing. I have found that when you show them the power of the Holy Spirit and they see or experience His healing both physically and emotionally, they want to be involved. So let’s don’t hand out crutches, let’s be bold and take the risk and do what were told to do, Go Heal The Sick!

Friday – Saturday May 22-23, Bakersfield, CA

Mark.Dawn-Thompson-400This retreat is being offered in a format that will allow you to set aside a Friday and Saturday and cover what we normally do over a four-week teaching period. This retreat is designed to address a wide variety of issues using Mike Evans’ latest book, Before You Get Here. Subtitled, Baggage To Drop On Your Way To Heaven, it is a guide to assist in discovering freedom from the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat many Christians today. Topics included are: The Traps of Unforgiveness, Healing the Wounded Self-Image, Healing the Father Wound, Breaking Curses and Soul Ties, and Understanding Inner Vows and how to renounce them.

The FREEDOM! Retreat is conducted by Mark & Dawn Thompson. The hours tentatively scheduled are Friday 6-9pm and Saturday 9am-6pm. This will give us an opportunity to conduct the teaching and minister to you as each topic is covered. We have to limit the number of people attending so if you are interested please contact us as soon as possible. Phone Mark Thompson at 661-333-7888 or

bygh-cover-full-400Why wait until heaven to be freed of the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat you? God wants you to face those burdens now, on this planet, and through the power of specific prayer be freed from them. My newest book, subtitled Baggage To Drop On Your Way To Heaven, is a guide to assist in discovering freedom from the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat you. You can buy my new book in the Wholeness Bookstore.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

God bless,