A Great Day Is Coming!

Mike-P1020072-200Dear Friends,

In the January 2024 newsletter I did a recap of the journey that God has had us on for the last 27+ years of ministry. I ended 2023 with a newsletter focused on the second coming of Christ. In that newsletter I explored the topics: “What is the coming of Christ, When is Jesus going to come back, How is Jesus coming back and Why is Jesus coming back? With this newsletter of February 2024 I would like to pick up where I left off regarding Christ’s return and how we as believers will be affected.

I think it’s important to explore this topic a little more as I believe that we may well be living in or near the end times when Christ will return to take all believers to be with him forever. But first I want to state that no one knows the day or hour when Jesus will return. Jesus clearly says in Matthew 24:36 “But the day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son, but only the Father.”

Clearly we must stand on these words that NO ONE KNOWS, but I believe we must also be aware of what is happening in our world today and be ready for His return.

When asked when he would return Jesus says in: Matthew 24:2-8 “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name claiming, “I am the Messiah; and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed.” “Such things must happen. But the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”

These are a few of the signs. These are not the end but just the beginning of the end. I think as we look around at our world today it is alarming what is happening that could easily lead us to believe that we are near the end of time.

In his book, “The Great Disappearance” Dr. David Jeremiah writes: “We know He will return and one of the first things that will happen when He returns is The Resurrection. In Thessalonians 4:15-16, we read, “We who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep…And the dead In Christ will rise first.” When the Lord descends from heaven, He will begin by summoning to Himself those who are asleep. Paul’s terminology, “are asleep,” is New Testament language, which identifies Christians who have died. He backs this up with passages from John:11:11, Acts 7:60 and Acts 13:36 that refers to believers who have died as those who have fallen asleep. When Christian die, it is as if they are slumbering peacefully in a place of rest, ready to be awakened at the return of the Lord.

Then in I Thessalonians 4:17 we read, “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus, we shall always be with the Lord.” At this moment of reunion, the dead will come out of the grave, and their spirits will reenter their bodies.

This is important to understand because I believe that when we die, if we are a believer, our spirit immediately goes to be with the Lord. Our spirit is the very essence or core of who we are. Ecclesiastes 12:7 tells us what happens when a believer dies. It says, “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return to God who gave it.” In other words, when a Christian dies, his or her spirit goes back to God, and the body returns to dust, and then at the resurrection our spirit is reunited with our body.

It should be a great comfort to us as believers to know that we will always be with the Lord but it should also spur us on to let others know the message of the Good News. Will you spend eternity with the Lord or separate from the Lord? Wouldn’t you want your family and friends with you? What about your neighbors? Does it not remind you that we are commanded to go out and tell them the Good News that, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13

I love how the NLT in Romans 10:14-15 reminds us; “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent. That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

I want to be one who brings the Good News. I will end with this quote from my friend and mentor Francis MacNutt. “I hope you realize the wonderful ability you have to transmit the life of Jesus to the people around you.”

God bless,



Deal With The Garbage That Oppresses You Now!


Why wait until heaven to be freed of the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat you? God wants you to face those burdens now, on this planet, and through the power of specific prayer be freed from them. My book, subtitled Baggage To Drop On Your Way To Heaven, is a guide to assist in discovering freedom from the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat you.

You can order directly from our store at THIS LINK – Before You Get Here

If you have a copy don’t forget that they make great gifts. Consider giving one to a friend.

“Learning To Do What Jesus Did” is available on YouTube.

In addition to the 9 DVD series being available through Wholeness Ministries you can now watch the entire series on YouTube. The book, an excellent training manual, has been taught around the world and is available in English and Spanish. You can buy the Book, CD’s or DVD’s at the Wholeness Shop.

Learning To Do What Jesus Did (9 parts)
Available on Youtube

What An Incredible Journey!

Dear Friends,

I was just looking over some the experiences I had during the early days of Wholeness Ministries. There are so many stories to tell that I put them down in a book titled, Riding Shotgun With God. This book is filled with stories of the miracles and the physical, emotional and spiritual healing that I have seen over the last 27+ years of ministry. If you haven’t ordered a copy and read this book yet, do so, as it will encourage you and increase your faith and expectancy. The book can be ordered in our online store or from Amazon. Just click HERE for more info. This is just a snapshot of some of the incredible experiences I have had. I look forward in the coming years to many new and exciting things that our God with reveal about Himself

Annual Healing Conference: Beginning in 1989 until my departure in early 1994 we have had an annual healing conference at Bakersfield Christian Life Center. These were powerful times and we experienced times of significant worship and healing.

Overseas Healing Ministry began with Francis & Judith MacNutt in 1992. A trip to England and Northern Ireland with Francis & Judith MacNutt for 30 days. We had our first all day session here with 500-600 people and 130 different churches represented. Francis and Judith each spoke then I spoke on healing prayer teams. In the afternoon Francis spoke on “Healing through Touch” which was about the laying on of hands without saying anything audible.

What an incredible experience I had in Greenlake WS. In July 1994. This was my first opportunity to attend the Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries Conference of the American Baptist Churches. It was to help facilitate the Prayer Team Ministry by training teams to be available for ministry at the end of each session. This was a powerful time of was and healing.

In February of 1996, I was invited by chaplain Roland Ruffin to Duell Prison in Tracy, CA to teach and equip his prayer teams for ministry. Duell is a maximum-security prison with 3500 prisoners. Upon our arrival we were escorted to the chapel located in the center of the prison. When Rick Dickard, Travis Kirkindoll, Rick Pruett and myself entered the chapel the presence and power of the Lord was evident. It was obvious that the inmates were eager to learn and appreciative that we were there. The presence of God was so powerful I was weeping from the joy of being in the presence of such worship. There were 125 prisoners in the chapel singing and clapping with loud, exuberant praise filled with love and passion for God.

When I stood to speak I first invited the Holy Spirit to come. Immediately the power of God swept through the chapel. One man standing in the front was picked up and thrown back against the pew! The other men, who were standing, grabbed hold of the pew in front of them to keep from falling over! This visible demonstration of the power of God had their attention.

Budapest, HU
In early 1997 I was invited to Budapest, Hungary. This was my first trip to one of the former Eastern Block Countries. Part of this story I want to share with you is what I was told by one of my intercessory prayer warriors just before I left for Hungary. During the time of prayer she shared this word regarding my trip to Budapest; “The Lord has shown me that while in Budapest you will meet a young man who will be the key to the doorway to what I am going to do in Eastern Europe.” This was when I met Adam Balogh and indeed was the fulfillment of this prophecy.

Chennai, India
Nothing can prepare you for India. The sheer numbers of people I saw on my way in from the airport was mind-boggling. The traffic, the noise, the smells, and the poverty had all of my senses on overload. Bill Chaney accompanied me on this trip. This was where we both experienced praying for two blind ladies that were healed.

God bless,


Come Jesus Come!

Mike-P1020072-200Dear Friends,

The Christmas season is coming up when we celebrate the first coming of Jesus Christ. I would like to share some thoughts in this newsletter about the second coming of Jesus Christ. I don’t spend much time reading about or thinking about when Christ will return. I know it will happen and that we are to live each day as if that were the day of his return.

I remember well the 1960s when there was much discussion and controversy surrounding the return of Jesus Christ. During this time a book came out by Hal Lindsay titled; “The Late Great Planet Earth.” In this book his position was that we were living in the last days of planet earth, Christ’s return was imminent and we must be ready. I had many discussions with believers worried that Jesus would return soon and they would not be ready. I remember one young couple that was pregnant with their first child asking me what would happen to their unborn child if Jesus came back. I didn’t have an answer but it started me on a journey to try and sort out what scripture had to say about the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Here we are fifty plus years later and Jesus still has not returned. However, in light of what is happening in the Middle East at this time it wouldn’t hurt to explore this topic a little. Interestingly our Pastor, James Ranger, began a series this last Sunday on the topic of Jesus Christ’s return. He was originally going to teach this in August but sensed the Lord telling him no. When he felt released to begin the series in November the conflict just broke when Hamas invaded Israel. We all thought that was interesting timing.

I want to share with you four questions Pastor James Ranger started with which I think are a good introduction to this topic of the return of Jesus Christ.

(1) What is the coming of Christ?
John 14:2-3 “In my fathers house are many rooms, if it were not so I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

He is coming to take us who believe in him home to be with him for eternity.

(2) When is Jesus going to come back?
Matthew 24:36 “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

NO ONE KNOWS. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by anyone who claims to know when Jesus is coming back. “We should plan our lives like he’s not coming back for 100 years, but we should live our lives like Jesus is coming back today.”

(3) How is Jesus going to come back?
I Thessalonians 4: 16-17 “For the Lord himself with come down from heaven, with a loud command, with voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.“

This is not going to be a quiet second coming. With a loud command, (shout), and trumpet call.

(4) Why is Jesus Christ coming?
Revelation 21:5 “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then He said, “Write this down, for those words are trustworthy and true.”

Everything new could mean: new life, new body, new name, new city, new song, new heaven and earth.

I know there are various interpretations of when and how the second coming of Jesus Christ will evolve. Whatever your understanding of exactly how these events will play out we can all agree on the fact that Jesus Christ is coming back.

I trust you will have a blessed Christmas celebrating the birth of our blessed Savior and a great and prosperous New Year as we move into 2024!

God bless,



Deal With The Garbage That Oppresses You Now!


Why wait until heaven to be freed of the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat you? God wants you to face those burdens now, on this planet, and through the power of specific prayer be freed from them. My book, subtitled Baggage To Drop On Your Way To Heaven, is a guide to assist in discovering freedom from the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat you.

You can order directly from our store at THIS LINK – Before You Get Here

If you have a copy don’t forget that they make great gifts. Consider giving one to a friend.

“Learning To Do What Jesus Did” is available on YouTube.

In addition to the 9 DVD series being available through Wholeness Ministries you can now watch the entire series on YouTube. The book, an excellent training manual, has been taught around the world and is available in English and Spanish. You can buy the Book, CD’s or DVD’s at the Wholeness Shop.

Learning To Do What Jesus Did (9 parts)
Available on Youtube

God Is So Great – We Are So Small!

Dear Friends,

As I was reading one of my morning devotionals this statement caught my attention. It reminded me how amazing it is that God, the creator of everything; also choose to dwell within us! Here is the quote from the devotional; Jesus Calling.

“I AM THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH: Lord of all that is and all that will ever be. Although I am unimaginably vast, I choose to dwell within you with my presence. ONLY IN THE SPIRIT REALM COULD SOMEONE SO INFINITELY GREAT LIVE WITHIN SOMEONE SO VERY SMALL.”

For some reason in all of my years following after Jesus Christ, reading and hearing that God dwells within us never penetrated my small brain that this is indeed an unusual relationship. Most likely because I never seriously thought about how great God is and how small we are by comparison as His creation. And as far as we know, humans are the only creatures in all of creation within which God dwells by His Holy Spirit.

Since we have within us the Holy Spirit of God we are able to draw upon Him to guide, protect, and provide for us as we continue in this journey of life. Why then do we so often and so easily not call upon Him? Why is it so much easier for us to think that we can do it ourselves? This is usually the way we act when the path looks easy and straightforward. We think, “I can handle this.” But that is when we are in the greatest danger of stumbling.

When life throws something at us that can easily overwhelm us, then we call upon God to help. How much simpler this journey would be if we were to draw upon the Holy Spirit daily as we face whatever life would throw at us that day. The difficulty of what we are facing makes little difference to God as He is easily able to handle it. Do you actually think God is surprised by anything? That anything is to difficult for him to handle?

Going back to the beginning of this letter, God is so great-we are so small; it is astounding to me that we can spend as much time in his presence as we want. I often jokingly refer to my morning time as having coffee with God. I wake up, grab a cup of coffee and go into my study to sit down and spend time with God. Think about that for a moment. The God who is the creator of everything that is in the entire universe will come and sit with me each morning just to hang out. Sometimes we talk and sometimes we just sit there together. Whether we talk or do anything is not the point, but that we are together.

I remember many years ago when I was sitting in the canyon up by the Kern River and God said to me, “Michael, I’m going to teach you how to be a friend and friends just hang out.” That was a revelation to me, that God wanted some time to just hang out with me. Did you get that? God also wants to hang out with you!

When you feel as if you don’t count for much or you don’t have much to contribute remember that God your creator thinks so much of you that he wants to hang out with you! Yes God is so great and we are so small, but He gave his own son for us so that we might spend eternity with Him! That how much He loves us.

Thank you for your prayers and support for Wholeness Ministries. You are vital in our continuing work.

God bless,


Moving Beyond A Superficial Relationship With God To Live In Intimacy With Him


God wants to hang out with you. We so often feel as if we must be doing something even when we are with God that it’s difficult for us to grasp that He wants to be our friend. In order for deep friendship to develop there are times when we must spend time together doing absolutely nothing but being together.

This book will help you understand that, but only if you apply it will it help you live it. Everything in this world fights against time alone with God. Everything in God longs for time alone with us. Why would you possibly choose to be influenced by the former?

“This book frames spiritual growth with God’s heart, given in his Son and validated by His Spirit. This book demolishes our excuses and defenses against divine intimacy. This book is for those willing to have a fresh self-encounter and a fresh God-encounter,” Dr. Don Williams

You can order directly from our store at THIS LINK – Why Not Waste Time With God or call 661-833-2920.

Do You Live In Confidence And Trust?

Mike-P1020072-200Dear Friends,

Could you say to God, “You are worthy of all my confidence and trust?” In our lives there are people and things that deserve some of our confidence and trust. We live in a world that seems increasingly unsafe and unpredictable. Frequent mass shootings, loss of confidence in our governmental leadership with a shutdown looming, unprecedented gas prices, earthquakes, floods and fires devastating our planet with the loss of thousands of lives. These are just a few what we face daily.

Our inclination is to be in control of our life, but in reality we are not really in control of much. If your sense of security rests in your circumstances, you will soon discover that is folly as those circumstances can easily change. It would seem obvious that our firm foundation must rest in God who deserves all of our confidence and trust. Did He not give his all for you so you could live forever in His presence? Did He not say in Scripture, “I will never leave you, I will never forsake you?” Did He not say, “Call to me and I will answer you?” Did He not say, “Do not worry about tomorrow?” What more does God need to do to convince you that he will guide you, provide for you, and protect you?

His presence with us is not limited by time or space and we do not need to fear the future because He is already there and our future is in His hands which He releases to us day by day, moment by moment. We are so often distracted by tomorrow that we fail to live life to it’s full each day, seeing all there is to see and doing all there is to do.

There is significant peace and rest when you can move to a place where all of your confidence and trust is in God. You do not have to worry about your future. Whatever life’s concerns come at you daily can be turned over with confidence to God who will guide you in how to respond to them. What needs you have can and will be met by God if you let him.

So the question is, what keeps you from placing all of your confidence and trust in God?

“Learning To Do What Jesus Did” is also available on YouTube.

In addition to the 9 DVD series being available through Wholeness Ministries you can now watch the entire series on YouTube. The book, an excellent training manual, has been taught around the world and is available in English and Spanish. You can buy the Book, CD’s or DVD’s at the Wholeness Shop.

Learning To Do What Jesus Did (9 parts)
Available on Youtube

Thank you for your prayers and support.

God bless,



Deal With The Garbage That Oppresses You Now!


Why wait until heaven to be freed of the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat you? God wants you to face those burdens now, on this planet, and through the power of specific prayer be freed from them. My book, subtitled Baggage To Drop On Your Way To Heaven, is a guide to assist in discovering freedom from the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat you.

You can order directly from our store at THIS LINK – Before You Get Here

If you have a copy don’t forget that they make great gifts. Consider giving one to a friend.