Riding Shotgun With God

Mike-P1020072-200Dear Friends,

For some months I’ve been impressed to write about the things I’ve seen and experienced both nationally and internationally in my almost 29 years of ministry with Wholeness Ministries. I am currently working on a new book called, Riding Shotgun With God. What I’ve endeavored to do with this book is give as accurate an account possible of the many miraculous healings I’ve seen plus the truly miraculous things God has done as I’ve stepped out in faith to do what he has called me to do. I will do this by sharing excerpts from the monthly newsletters I’ve written while on this journey.

I could tell you many stories over the years that I’ve been involved in through this ministry. As I’ve compiled this material I have over three hundred miraculous things I’ve been able to document from first hand experience. When I think about where I was in the beginning and where I am today it is a testament to the patient loving way that God works with us.

I was first exposed to the healing ministry when I was eight or nine by my grandmother who took me to an Oral Roberts tent revival here in Bakersfield. People were running around shouting, falling over and jumping up and down on the chairs. It freaked me out so after that experience I wanted nothing to do with the healing ministry.

In 1984 I was working with Dr. John Lavender at Bakersfield Christian Life Center. He had been exposed to the teaching of John Wimber who was holding large healing conferences in Anaheim, Ca. Dr. John wanted to go down for a week to the healing conference and wanted me to go with him. I was rather reluctant because of my past exposure to the healing ministry and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So I told Dr. John I did not want to go. In his very firm and yet loving way he said, “Michael, get in the car, we are going to this healing conference.”

This conference had such a positive impact on me that I was never the same. After the week was over Dr. John and I were headed back home to Bakersfield. At one point in the journey he looked over at me and said, “Well Mike I guess it’s back to the same old thing.” I turned to him and responded, “John, I will never go back to the same old thing.” Thus began my journey into the healing ministry.

I’m in the final editing process of this book and hope to have it ready to print by the end of the year. As I’ve gone back over these stories for the last 24 years I have been amazed at the things of I’ve witnessed. Here’s one example:

July 1995 How Is This Possible!
“Tumor Gone! On Thursday evening a young associate pastor came up for prayer. She had a tumor on the right side of her neck that was going to need to be removed surgically. I called over three young people to pray with me. As we prayed we could see the swelling decreasing until she told us that the tumor was completely gone!”

Thank you for your prayers and support. The last couple of months the giving has dropped $700 per month so if you can give a little extra that would be helpful.

Thank you,
