The God Who Created…
January 1, 2021
Dear Friends,
Some years back, when I was writing my second book titled, “Why Not Waste Time With God,” I was sitting in a canyon next to a raging river near where I live here in Bakersfield, CA. What flowed out of the tip of my pen were the following words;
“The God who created the universe, who heals the sick, who knows you need food and shelter to survive, against whom all military might is but a puff of dust and beside whose power a swirling, raging river is but a trickle in the sand, is the God who wants to spend time with you!” Michael Dean Evans
As I read these words I realized they were God-inspired and the result of a recent conversation I had with God when He said to me; “Michael, I’m going to teach you how to be a friend, and friends just like to hang out!” For me, this was a reminder that Almighty God, the creator and sustainer of all things, who created me for fellowship, just as he created you for fellowship, looks forward with delight to our times together.
Over the years as I’ve read and studied the teachings of other religions, none of them describe a God who wants to hang out with them, who wants to be a friend. Instead, they often portray a God who instills fear and must be placated by those acts of religious duty that keep them safe and protected from his wrath. While I realize we must stand in awe of God, and respect who He is, I understand that He makes it clear in Scripture His desire to have an intimate relationship with us.
Since I wrote those words quoted above I’ve also come to realize that I can easily substitute other endings such as; ‘…is the God worthy of our worship;’ “…is the God in whom we trust.” Substitute whichever ending works for you and apply it to your life! You will be amply blessed.
After some serious thought and prayer, I am willing to donate my book, “Why Not Waste Time With God,” to churches here in Bakersfield, CA. If you are willing to give them out to your congregation use our contact page to get in touch with us and we will deliver to you a case of books. If you can use more than one case let us know. There are 80 books in a case. Please do not ask for less than a case.
*If you are out of state we will ship them if you will pay the shipping.
Over the years since this book was published, I’ve received a number of testimonials from people who were encouraged and blessed by this book. I’ve felt that it was a gift that God helped me write and it’s time for me to freely share it with you.
Thank you for the prayers and support you have given Wholeness Ministries over the years. You are much appreciated as we continue to spread the message of His healing and restoration to a hurting world. As we wrap up the year 2020 and head into 2021 keep us in your prayers.
God bless,
We have found these ministry sessions with people to be invaluable in healing them from wounds from their past. In some cases after two or three sessions, they experience freedom! If you need deep-level healing prayer or know someone who could benefit from this, here is how to start the process. Send an email to or call 661-833-2920 to schedule an appointment. On our website, simply follow the instructions under Personal Ministry.