Flat Feet – No Problem!

mike-evans-187Dear Friends,

In June I attended the Ignite Healing Conference with speakers Judith MacNutt and Randy Clark. This is a yearly conference held by Christian Healing Ministries located in Jacksonville, Fl. This year’s conference was in Burlington, Vt.

During the ministry times I often receive Words of Knowledge for the various issues people are dealing with. They are both for physical problems and deep healing issues. One of the words I received was that some people attending were dealing with pain due to having flat feet. When you don’t have arches in your feet it can be uncomfortable. When I spoke this word out about 35 people stood and came forward for prayer. As they were standing in a line along the front I prayed for God to heal them.

One lady who was sitting up front watching suddenly screamed, “I just saw the Lord give that man arches in his feet!” He looked down at his feet with this rather puzzled look and was surprised to see that indeed he now had arches in his formerly flat feet. We then gathered the prayer teams around the rest and as we prayed others said they were being healed.

Both Randy and Judith are dynamic speakers. I appreciate their willingness to listen to the Lord and see what He is doing as they speak and minister. In addition to the number of physical healings we saw happening, there was significant time spent dealing with Inner Healing. Judith spoke to this on Friday afternoon and then we spent the rest of the afternoon praying for people.

Myself, Judith and two of her associates would say what we felt the Lord wanted to heal and as people stood we would pray for that specific issue. In addition to the obvious issues of unforgiveness we prayed specifically for many that had been sexually abused or were dealing with assorted addictions. Also, those that had been involved in the occult either unknowingly through playing some game or by participating in something that was clearly not of God.

It is not unusual for young people to participate in a game of some sort with their friends that is clearly occult in nature but one in which they do not realize what they are doing. It was evident that He wanted to heal both the physical and emotional things that people were dealing with during this conference.

The next Ignite Conference will be held June 21-24, 2017. I strongly urge you to attend this life changing event. The speakers with be Judith MacNutt and John & Carol Arnott. You can register at IGNITE 2017 Ignite Conference.

Someone Needs a Liver Transplant. During one of the breaks a lady came up to me and related the following. She said to me, “When you were at last years Ignite Conference one of the words you spoke was that someone needed a liver transplant. My friend was in the hospital dying and needed a liver transplant but they could not give her one because she was so sick that she would not survive the surgery. When I heard that word I knew it was for her. I went to the hospital and the Lord had healed her liver. Today she is walking around healthy and doing well!” Isn’t that great; she wasn’t even at the conference and God heard the prayer of her friend and healed her.

For a copy of my newest book Before You Get Here go to www.wholeness.org/catalog/

Thank you for your prayers and donations that help keep this ministry going. The last couple of months have been tight but God is always there and each of you has been wonderfully faithful to us. Keep our needs before the throne of God.

God bless,
