God Never Ceases To Amaze Me!
July 1, 2018
Dear Friends,
During this time that I have been recovering from back surgery I’ve been going over some of the old newsletters beginning in 1994. My purpose was to read and report on the many miraculous healings and truly miraculous things God has done as I’ve stepped out in faith to do what He has called me to do.
As I’m reading these stories I am reflecting on my own recovery from back surgery a little over six weeks ago. When the doctor did the surgery he said his goal was to keep me out of a wheelchair! I said my goal is to get back up on my paddleboard. He also told me that it would be a 3-6 months recovery. I can tell you that I feel almost back up to my old self, as the recovery has been amazing. I have almost non-existent pain, the strength is back in my legs and I am walking and feeling good enough to pick up where I was before the surgery. I still tire easily but know that will improve as time goes along.
I have seen God’s hand in this entire process. Obviously because of what I do I was praying for God to heal me so the surgery would not be necessary. He chose not to do it that way but I want to share with you how this came about.
I am under Kaiser insurance and they are somewhat hesitant to refer patients out as they would like to take care of everything in-house. Well, one Saturday I was having some pain and could not get in to see my primary care physician so I went to their urgent care facility on Stockdale. They called me back to see the doctor and as we were talking it turns out that he was working for Kaiser in Los Angeles but was filling in for one day here in Bakersfield. As we talked he shared with me that he was trained at USC Medical Center.
Shortly thereafter I received a letter from Kaiser referring me to the USC Spine Center. I believe he was instrumental in arranging that. Furthermore the surgeon who did the actual surgery was obviously very gifted. I remember talking to one of his team a few days after the surgery. I said to him, “It must be great to work with Dr. Hsieh.” He said, “We are lucky to have him here, he could be anywhere he wanted.” So not only do I get referred to a top notch Spine Center but a top-notch surgeon at the Center.
And now my recovery is going so well I know it’s because of all your prayers and what God is healing me quickly. It’s amazing to step back and look at this whole process and see how God has arranged everything. Why he chose to do it this way I don’t know but I can tell you the entire process has given me a new understanding of how God works in our lives.
Although I will still have a somewhat limited schedule and am limited by my energy I want to get back to work soon. Thank you again for your prayers and encouragement during this entire process.
Inner Healing and Physical Healing
Often when God heals someone physically there is also Inner Healing needed. I want to share one of those stories with you. We received to following letter from a lady who attended one of our healing conferences.
“I’m the lady in the workshop that came forward for prayer for back pain. The Lord, who knew my deeper need, chose to restore my lost joy as well. That very day was the second anniversary of my oldest son’s death in a horrible auto accident, leaving us with many unresolved issues. Although I finally accepted his parting, the deep sadness lingered. When Bob Vibe received that word about restoring my gladness, I knew the Lord was going to release me. That was so exciting that I forgot about my back. When I did think about it the pain was gone. However, after I returned to my seat I became aware of an intense burning heat centered in the area where the pain had been. At first I though the pain was returning but after a short time, the burning subsided and there was no more pain. I praise Jesus for His healing touch on my soul as well as my body.”
Isn’t that exciting. God is so amazing and always seems to give us just exactly what we need. Thank you for your many prayers and continued support. It is much appreciated.
God bless,