Update On Back Surgery
June 1, 2018
The surgery has been completed. Some of you are aware of this but I wanted to be certain all of you knew what I was facing. I have been experiencing increasing weakness in my legs over the last year. After numerous tests at the USC Spinal Center it was determined that I am dealing with a condition called spinal stenosis. The doctor said my spine was such a mess he was surprised that I was not in a wheelchair!
On May 15th I returned to the Keck Spinal Center at USC for the surgery. In talks with the surgeon afterwards he was very satisfied with the surgery and said the recovery process varies depending on a number of factors. I returned home Saturday May 19th and am doing quite well. I no longer have need of the walker and can be up and around a significant amount of time although I do tire easily. I appreciate all your prayers and know that both the surgery and the rate at which I am recovering are due to those prayers.
God bless,