It’s No Longer Broken!
July 1, 2019
Dear Friends,
What an exciting weekend we had this last month during a time of teaching and ministering to a group in Phoenix, AZ. Nick Pruett, a gifted young man accompanied me on this outing. I did some sharing and teaching Friday evening and then we spent time in ministry to those that attended this session.
During our time of ministry a young boy of about twelve came for prayer for his broken leg. He had a cast on his leg and was experiencing some pain. After Nick and I prayed a short healing prayer I asked the boy to sit down, take the cast off and see if he could put some pressure on the leg. Meanwhile Nick and I continued to pray for other people. At one point I looked over and this boy was walking and jumping around minus the cast. I called him over and he said there was no more pain and he could walk around without the cast!
We also prayed for a number of Inner Healing issues with people. Often the only indication you have that something has changed is by the expression on their face. Occasionally people will say after prayer they feel much lighter as if the load they were carrying was lifted off. Since we cannot stick around to observe any long-term changes we rely on what they share with us. It amazes me the things that God reveals to us as we pray in this way for people.
Teaching On Healing Prayer-Beginning Wednesday July 10
Christ’s Cathedral 2301 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA
Classes Offered
Introduction to Physical Healing
There are many approaches when praying for healing. To pray for physical healing requires that we take risks. It requires that we step out in faith, take the authority of Jesus and pray. This teaching looks at the diversity of ways people understand and approach healing and provides a “hands on” model to use when praying for the sick.
How do I know that it’s God talking? What keys are there to recognizing the voice of God as opposed to the devil? This teaching will look at some key ways to understand and walk in discernment. We will discuss not only the discernment of what God is saying to us, but what we do with what He says.
The Role of Faith
Faith is a spiritual substance and when we become a Christian, God gives us a measure of faith. We will look at the role that faith plays in the ministry of healing.
The Authority of The Believer
In addition to understanding the role of faith we need to understand the authority that has been given to us in Jesus Christ. We will explore the nature of this authority and how we have been given authority to heal. When we awaken to our spiritual authority, every aspect of our lives will be transformed and freed from the oppressive power of Satan.
Introduction to Inner Healing
Often when we are praying for people we discover that there is a need for inner healing that is healing in the emotional core. Put very simply, inner healing is healing in our heart. Inner healing is a truth encounter with God and deals with those words and actions that caused wounding and pain in our lives.
Forgiveness, The Key to Inner Healing
We will explore the roots of these hurts and the role that forgiveness plays in the healing of our emotions and memories.
A Balanced Approach to Deliverance
The definition of deliverance is to liberate, rescue or set free. The responsibility to minister total healing and wholeness has been delegated to every Christian. This teaching explores what deliverance is, the examples we have in scripture and how we can be equipped to minister deliverance.
Spiritual Warfare and The Healing Ministry
When we become aware of a war the first thing we must find out is the identity of the adversaries. We are in the midst of spiritual warfare. When you become a believer you are either actively or passively in warfare. What we will do is to give your some understanding of the purpose of this warfare and some weapons you can use to fight.
God Bless,
We have found these ministry sessions with people to be invaluable in healing them from wounds from their past. In some cases after two or three sessions, they experience freedom! If you need deep-level healing prayer or know someone who could benefit from this, here is how to start the process. Send an email to or call 661-833-2920 to schedule an appointment. On our website, simply follow the instructions under Personal Ministry.
My newest book BEFORE YOU GET HERE Subtitled, Baggage To Drop On Your Way To Heaven, it is a guide to assist in discovering freedom from the invisible burdens that oppress and defeat many Christians today. Chapters include: The Importance of Forgiveness, The Traps of Unforgiveness, A Look in the Mirror, Harmful Words and Harmful Connections, Let Yourself Be Loved By God, The Recovery of Intimacy, and more. Copies are available at and at
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