St. Dennis Catholic Church

Dear Friends,

mike-st-dennis-01In early February I was at St. Dennis Catholic Church in Lockport, IL for three days of training and ministry. Derrick Steele accompanied me on this trip. What an incredible time we had at St. Dennis. During the day Derrick and I taught workshops on how to pray for the sick. Then, at the three evening meetings I conducted healing services. During each of these services the teams we had just trained joined us as we prayed for healing. We taught from my book Learning To Do What Jesus Did.

The first time I was at St. Dennis was eight years ago when we introduced them to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The first two evenings this time during the healing service God moved powerfully to heal both physical and emotional pain. During the last service on Saturday night Fr. Jim Curtin and I prayed specifically for an impartation of the Holy Spirit. Everyone stood in a large circle in the sanctuary and Fr. Jim Curtin and I walked around placing our hands on each person. The presence of the Holy Spirit was powerful. For all three services God gave specific words for healing and we saw a number of people healed and free from pain in their bodies. We were also able to guide some into deep level healing as they let go of baggage they have been carrying around for years. It’s such a privilege to be invited to go into this Catholic Church, as Fr. Jim is a priest filled with such love for his people and openness to the movement of the Holy Spirit.

mike-st-dennis-02Every time I have been to this church something unusual happens. This time was no exception. During the second evening the presence of God was so powerful I was having a difficult time speaking. I had prepared my talk for the evening but when I began to speak it was as if God closed my mouth and would not let me say anything. When I was finally able to speak it was a simple word from God. I kept hearing over and over, “Tell them how much I love them.” When I was able to speak it clearly was a message they needed to hear. Later that evening two people came up to me and shared what they saw while I was speaking. The first one said, “I saw Jesus standing next to you while you were up there trying to speak.” Then a short time later a man walked over and said, “While you were speaking I saw a huge angel standing over by the wall just to the right of you.” I have no reason to doubt either of these testimonies as this has happened in the past at other conferences.

I have been teaching a class one night a week at Summit Bible College on the topic of spending time with God. I always challenge the students to take 3-5 minutes a day for seven days and do nothing but sit still and be with God. This is always a great group to teach and I want to share a couple of testimonies with you.

“Have you or do you ever just sit before God and enjoy His presence, not praying, praising Him or listening to music? That’s what we are being asked to do in the class at Summit Bible College called, The Fire of God in You by Mike Evans. He asked us to start with just 3 minutes, just sitting, maybe having a cup of coffee. I have to admit it was challenging to me and the others but after trying it, it may be the most revolutionary, powerful thing I’m experiencing since being filled with His Holy Spirit. Mr. Evans class is such a breath of fresh air just learning to be still and be in the presence of the Almighty God, just to learn to enjoy being in His presence.” Celine

“In my first class of the evening we learned what it means to be child like in Christ. One thing Mike Evans pointed out is that children recognize when they need help and aren’t afraid to ask for help. At the end of the evening I recognized my need for help. I felt the Lord prompt me to humble myself but I told him no. I didn’t want to. I refused to ask for help. Finally after 15 min of stubbornness I asked. Thank you to my classmates who made me feel comfortable in my weakness and thank you God for solidifying my understanding of child likeness. This is a lesson I will not forget. I believe I have a bit more growing to do in this area.” Angela

Also during early February Danny Ruiz accompanied me as we conducted a women’s retreat in the mountains near Crestline. CA. We taught on developing an intimate relationship with God and then offered to pray for any physical issues they wanted prayer for. This was a group of Catholic ladies from Southern California and I knew that much of this was new to them. As we invited them to come up for prayer they were hesitant at first but as we prayed for them and they witnessed God’s healing power it wasn’t long before we were praying for most of them. It was great fun to watch.

Thank you for your prayers and support of our work.

God bless,

Our Missionary Family in Romania

Dear Friends,

mike-P1020072-txt-300I wanted to give you an update on Eduard and Ibi Rudolf who work among the Orphans and Gypsies in Cluj and villages in Romania. Wholeness Ministries has been a significant part of financial support for this family for many years and we want to be able to continue that support with your help. It’s exciting to read what they are doing.

“Dear Mike, We are looking back to 2014 and we are very grateful, because 2014 was a good year for us. Our whole family was healthy. Esther went to Bible School for 6 months and came home very encouraged. Rachel will go in a few days to the same Bible School as Esther, then she will start college after Bible School.

Daniel and Sarah changed from Music School to a normal High School. It was not easy for them, but they have made a lot of progress. Besides school, both of them are helping us in the Royal Rangers Work!

Ibi has two small groups of women in Cluj and meets with them every week. She is also leading 2-3 small groups of Royal Rangers children! My family is a big help to me in Cluj and in the spring, summer, and winter holidays they help me in Apata and the other villages!

In Cluj we work a lot with Orthodox families, because the kids come to the Royal Ranger meetings. We try to have a good relationship with their parents and families and if possible, we try to evangelize them. We have started a weekly youth gathering and have Sunday Services.

The next step for Cluj is to build an UPPER-ROOM. We have the possibility to build above our house a kind of mansard (which will include an upper-room and a flat for 3-4 orphan boys). The orphan boys have to leave the orphanage after they are 18 or after they have finished school. They don’t have another place to go or live!

rudolph-family-2015-400The Lord has put on my heart the idea of the UPPER-ROOM. It will be good for the orphans. We want to be prayer-warriors in the upper room and expect a big visitation of the Holy Spirit . Our family plus Gyuszi and his family along with the orphans will live here. It will be a strong core community! We have been praying for the project for 2 years and hope to start it in the spring.

In Apata and the surrounding villages we organize on a regularly basis Sunday Services in 5 different places.

What I have written you about Cluj, is also true for the villages: When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Mt.9:36-38

Because this is a very poor region, every thing that we do is a big battle. For example, today we had a Sunday Service in Apata, but we had to go to the surrounding villages and pick up the people, because there is no public transportation in this region and they don’t have cars. We have had for 2-3 weeks extremely cold weather. Many days we don’t have running water, because the pipes are frozen. As you can see every day is a challenge.

We have in every village some small groups and about 200-250 children that come to the Royal Rangers meetings. Because many children have problems in school (gypsy parents can’t help them in matters of school) in 3 villages we help 100-120 children do their home-work 5 days a week, after school.

We also go from house to house in different villages and visit families: we pray for the sick, share the Gospel, invite people to follow Jesus and try to bless them in many ways. We love these people and it is a great joy to minister to them on many levels!

Thank you for your prayers and financial help! It’s a big encouragement for us!

Much love and greetings from Romania, Eduard, Ibi, Esther, Rachel, Daniel and Sarah”

I trust you are as encouraged by this as I am. In next months newsletter I’m going to share with you the work of the other family we help support in Hungary, Adam and Orsi Balogh.

Reports coming about two trips in January
When you receive this newsletter I will have been to a Catholic Retreat Center located in Lake Gregory, CA to speak at a Women’s Retreat. Then near the end of January I will have gone to St. Dennis Catholic Church near Chicago, IL. where I will be both training and conducting healing services.

“OPEN UP” with Don Clark & Bob Prater
I had the opportunity to be a guest on this webcast in February. It gave me an opportunity to talk about the new book Before You Get Here, and the work we do at Wholeness Ministries. You can see the interview on the Wholeness Ministries Facebook page. Check it out, you will be blessed.

Thank you for your continued support of our work.

God bless,

Why Are You Coming Back!

Many of us are familiar with the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. At some point the son realized that his life was in shambles and that returning to his father was necessary for staying alive. It says in the story that when the son thought about going back to the father his game plan was to throw himself at his father’s feet, beg for his forgiveness and ask to be accepted back as a servant. He did not know exactly how his father would respond but expected that he would want an explanation as to why he was returning. And the son expected that there would be conditions he would have to meet to be accepted back. The son knew he had brought embarrassment and shame on his father and the family, and as a result of his actions he most likely would never be restored to a position of sonship. However, that was okay with him as long as he could just be in the household and no longer separated from his father. He knew it was safe there and his needs would be met.

What is so encouraging about this story is the total, unconditional love demonstrated by the father. He didn’t require anything from the son. There were no questions like, “Why are you coming back?” No demands, no explanations needed just total, unconditional acceptance.

I am certain the father’s response stunned this young man. I am just as certain that many of us in some ways are like this prodigal. We may have strayed away from God and are not sure He will accept us back to the position we had before we left. Even if He does we think He will want to know why we are returning. In his book, The Road To Daybreak, Henri Nouwen wrote, “God does not require a pure heart before embracing us. Even if we return only because following our desires has failed to bring happiness, God will take us back. Even if we return because being a Christian brings us more peace than being a pagan, God will receive us. Even if we return because our sins did not offer as much satisfaction as we had hoped, God will take us back. Even if we return because we could not make it on our own, God will receive us. God’s love does not require any explanations about why we are returning. God is glad to see us home and wants to give us all we desire, just for being home.”

What an incredible statement! God does not care why we are back. He’s just excited to have us back. Our heart does not have to be pure; our reasons for coming back do not even have to be clearly defined.

Maybe you have not totally left but a part of you is in the “far country” and you have discovered it has not brought you the pleasure you thought it would. If you feel somewhat like the prodigal and know you need to return but hesitate to out of fear, rest assured He’s waiting for you to come home.

He is not standing there, with a raised eyebrow, a skeptical look on his face, waiting to ask you, “What do you want and why are you here?” Your Father God is so completely in love with you He does not want to know nor does He care why you came back. He is simply happy to have you back. Do not let the fear of having to explain yourself keep you from coming back to the Father. Do not feel as if you are going to have to justify yourself. The question He will ask is not “why are you coming back” but “when are you coming back?”

He Is So Proud of You!

It’s difficult for us to grasp that God is proud of us. Like a father is proud of his son or daughter so our Father God is proud of us. We might rightly respond, “What is there to be proud of? I’ve never done anything significant. I’m not famous; I’ve never written a book or composed a song. I do not paint or write poetry. I do not know how to build anything with my hands, fix the car or grow a garden. All the houseplants my friends give me soon die, though not for lack of trying. What’s to be proud of?”

In his book The Ragamuffin Gospel, Brennan Manning writes, “Has it crossed your mind that I am proud you accepted the gift of faith I offered you? Proud that you freely chose me, after I had chosen you, as your friend and Lord? Proud that with all your warts and wrinkles you haven’t given up? Proud that you believe in me enough to try again and again.”

Wow, can you get a hold of this? He’s looking at you through the eyes of a father looking at his child and saying, “I’m so proud of you, you have accepted what I have offered and you do not give up but keep trying again and again. That is so great! Do you know how proud it makes me feel that you want me? Do you know how much it means to me to see the hours you spend trying to learn more about me – your singing, praying, sitting quietly just to be with me. Do you know how proud it makes me feel that you want to be with me? All the things you could be doing and you chose freely to spend time with me. I know you have sins and struggles. I know that you are not where you feel that you need to be for me to love and accept you. But I still love you. And I am proud of you!”

We may not know how to handle the love and pride of a father for whom we do not have to do anything. If you were fortunate enough to grow up in a home with loving parents, then you know that from the time you were born, they were proud of you. Proud of your first steps. Proud of those crayon squiggles on paper that were taped up on the walls like Rembrandt paintings. Proud of you when you came running into the room to show them your latest Play-Dough masterpiece. You knew they accepted you even when you failed again and again. You did not have to prove anything to them. You knew that there was nothing that would keep them from loving you no matter how often you ran from them and hid in your shame and embarrassment. And our Lord loves us even more than our parents.

I remember a time when one of our sons was in the midst of serious rebellion. As his parents we could not stop him from doing those things that we knew could potentially destroy him. But we could love him. During one of those moments he screamed at us in frustration, “The problem is you love me too much! Why can’t you be like my friends’ parents who don’t care what they do?” He was actually frustrated because no matter what he did we never stopped loving him. That love was causing him guilt and frustration because it would have been much easier for him to rebel if we had simply rejected him. But we could not do that, and that love eventually paid off.

Your Father God is proud of you because you are His and He quite simply loves you. He understands all of your humanness. Take it into your heart and your soul – Father God is proud of you! Don’t try to analyze, understand or “live up” to anything you think will make Him proud because it is not what you do but, rather, what you are. You are His. Believe it, accept it and live in the glorious freedom of it!

What if the pain doesn’t go away! Part Three

Part 3 of 3


I’ve discovered that there are typically four stages that one goes through when dealing with chronic pain.

Helping Stage. In the beginning the doctors prescribed medications for me so that I could cope with the pain. In this stage I went through innumerable tests, assorted physical therapies and a variety of medications. They were truly trying to help. When none of these provided much help in relieving the pain, the doctors, because of their busy schedules and frustration that nothing was working grew weary of dealing with me. I admit that this may not have been the case but it was my perception of what was happening.

Shuffle Stage. After being shuffled about to numerous doctors, one finally said, “Even though there is a discernible injury, there is nothing we can do about it so you will have to live with it!” Not willing to accept this I pressed on until I found a doctor who would sit patiently and listen to my story before prescribing treatment.

Up until this time one of the most frustrating experiences with the doctors was that they would breeze into the room with my chart tucked under their arm, ask a couple of questions, prescribe some medication and fly out the door. None of them actually sat down and listened to me tell them how the injury occurred and what I was feeling.

Being the persistent fellow that I am I continued to push for more testing, therapy, medication or even surgery if that would help. Whatever it was going to take to get rid of this pain I was willing to try. I was insistent that we could not stop until all the options had been explored. After a great deal of testing and probing by specialists scattered about the state they finally decided to try surgery.

Frustration and Confusion Stage. One doctor, highly recommended and one of the best orthopedic surgeons in the world for neck injuries, (why would I pick any less than the best), diagnosed the problem and said, “I can fix it and there is an 85% chance of getting rid of the pain completely.” I responded, “Great lets go for it!” However, before I went for surgery my HMO required that I to go back to see another one of their specialists. He advised me not to have the surgery for two reasons. First, that it wouldn’t help and second that it was very risky. Oh by the way, I was told that he was highly respected among his peers and also one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons in the world.

So here I am at the frustration stage, having dealt with this pain for years, standing between two of the best doctors in the world in dealing with this type of surgery and they are giving me totally opposite counsel. By this time I am willing to do anything to stop the pain. I had even contemplated cutting the more painful of the two hands off, hoping that would help. At one point there was such desperation that the thought of suicide entered my mind. I quickly dismissed it since I remembered hearing, as a little boy, that if you commit suicide you will go straight to hell. That thought terrified me more than the pain so I knew I didn’t want that. What’s a poor guy who only wants relief from pain supposed to do? Whom do you believe?

Desperation Stage. I finally decided, hey, what have I got to lose? I have tried medicine, I have tried physical therapy, I have tried meditation, and I have tried prayer. Nothings worked yet so let’s try the surgery.


In desperation I went with the advice of the “best doctor” and said, “Let’s do the surgery.” When the morning of the surgery arrived I was lying on the table outside the operating room, with a needle in my arm and the anesthesia flowing. Just as I am drifting off the surgeon comes walking over and says, “I have revised the outcome to be a 50% chance that I can do anything about the pain!” As I am going down into the black hole I am thinking to myself, what do you mean 50%! I only did this because you said there was an 85% chance that all the pain would be gone!

Picture this; I am on the table waiting to go under the knife when he tells me! That’s the last thing I remember before I wake up in recovery. After he does the surgery I’m recovering in the hospital thinking everything is great until the morphine begins to wear off. It’s then that I realize the surgery didn’t work. Not only do I still have the pain in my hands but I now know that because of the surgery scar tissue will form that will increase the pain. Which was why the other world famous surgeon told me not to have the operation. In addition, I am placed on medication that, if I take as much as is needed to completely dull the pain, makes me into a mental zombie


Let me recap this for you. I have tried everything I know to get rid of the pain. I am in a ministry of healing prayer and over the years I prayed for my own healing and I have asked numerous times for prayer from others. After awhile you tire of asking, not only because you begin to feel you are a bother, but you get this unspoken feeling that people are tired of you asking for prayer for the same thing over and over. You feel they are thinking, “Can’t you come up with something else, we’re getting tired of this?” You also begin to feel like a failure yourself. That there must be some reason why God is not healing you and as soon as you figure out what that reason is He will heal you.

I started this article with the question; “What If the Pain Doesn’t Go Away?” Let me answer that question as best I can. In our training manual, “Learning To Do What Jesus Did” we state emphatically that we believe healing is for today and then give a solid biblical basis for our belief. We touch on questions such as: What about believers who do not get well; are suffering and sickness from God; does everyone who believes get well; if you have enough faith will God heal you?”

We have answers for all these questions, but I still have the pain and it has been there for over 20 years eating away at me physically and emotionally. How do I deal with it? Honestly, some days better than others.

In this journey I have come to realize two things. First, although God did not cause this, He has used this pain to help me become more sensitive toward people in relentless, debilitating pain. I pray for them with a better understanding of what they are dealing with.

Second, it serves to remind me that we are in spiritual warfare and there may be numerous reasons why I have not been healed. It always brings me back to the issue of trust. Do I trust God or not? I know it is God’s will for me to be healed. I have absolutely no doubt that my Father in heaven can heal me in a flash if He so chooses.

Until then, I will live with the pain, sometimes under it, but most of the time above it. I remind myself that I am precious to Him and that He is helping me to overcome this adversity.


If you are reading this, I trust this will have helped raise your level of sensitivity to those of us dealing with continual pain. We need your understanding and sensitivity to what we are dealing with daily. I did not say we want your pity. We do not want your pity. We need your encouragement and we need your persistent prayers. We do not need trite, religious dribble. We need you, operating in love and grace, to come along side and walk with us through the pain.

If you are one of those dealing with never-ending pain, know that there are others who truly understand and likewise are walking in obedience and trust that someday healing will come.

Do not give in to the pain. You can learn to deal with pain in one of two ways. You can allow it to beat you down or you can live above it. Most days I can live above it, but there are days when it beats me down. When this happens, I accept it, and hope for a better day tomorrow. Do not allow the pain to keep you from seeking the healing and restoring love of God. Do not allow it to shut him out. He is a God of infinite mercy and grace and you are His beloved. This you must hold onto at all costs.

See also:
What if the pain doesn’t go away! Part One
What if the pain doesn’t go away! Part Two