Dear Friends,

Often people will ask me, “How are you doing?” My answer is usually, “Great!” or “I am blessed.” And I do genuinely feel blessed. But this morning I was up at six o’clock to attend “Influencers.” This is group of men meeting at a church near me every Thursday morning. We started with a time of worship. One of the songs, which I had never heard before, was titled “Gratitude” by Brandon Lake. As I listened to the song and followed along with the words it struck me that this was a way for me to express back to Him my gratitude for how He was worked in my life. It starts with:

by Brandon Lake

All my words fall short
I got nothing new
How could I express
All my gratitude?

I could sing these songs
As I often do
But every song must end
And You never do

So I throw up my hands
And praise You again and again
‘Cause all that I have is a hallelujah

And I know it’s not much
But I’ve nothing else fit for a King
Except for a heart singing hallelujah

What a powerful way to express back to Him my gratitude for what He has done and what I know He will continue to do in my life.

Gratitude for a healthy body and mind that has allowed me to write books and to travel all over the world with the message of God’s healing power.

Gratitude for my family and how He has protected, covered and provided for them.

Gratitude for the men that He brought into my life that mentored me. Men like Dr. John Lavender and Francis MacNutt.

Gratitude that God has allowed me to mentor many young men over the years that have grown and are themselves mentoring others.

Gratitude for those of you that have diligently prayed for me and Wholeness Ministries.

Gratitude for those who have faithfully supported this work with your generous giving which has met all of our needs and who without your faithful support we would not have been able to operate.

Gratitude that He has reserved a place for me in eternity that will be so far beyond anything I can even imagine.

I could go on and on and I know that in the coming years there will continue to be many other things that will spark an attitude of gratitude.

The song ends with these words:

So I throw up my hands
And praise You again and again
‘Cause all that I have is a hallelujah

And I know it’s not much
But I’ve nothing else fit for a King
Except for a heart singing hallelujah

(Check out the video below, it’s powerful!)

I trust this will likewise inspire you to express your gratitude to Him for what He has done in your life. Thank you for your prayers and faithful support.


Riding Shotgun With God, Evans, Front

I’ve received some very encouraging feedback on my new book. It is filled with over 150 testimonies of miraculous healings I have personally witnessed. Give it a read. You will be encouraged to see how God is still moving powerfully today.

You can order directly from our store at THIS LINK – Riding Shotgun With God

God bless,


Finding Peace when Frustrated and Frazzled

Mike-P1020072-200Dear Friends,

As we journey through the ups and downs of life, we often find ourselves facing moments of frustration, feeling flustered, and becoming completely frazzled by the demands of the world around us. In these chaotic times, it can be challenging to maintain our spiritual connection with God. However, we are called to live in constant communion with Him, even amidst the chaos.

Embracing God’s Presence Amidst Frustration: Frustration is a common human experience, but it doesn’t have to disconnect us from God. When frustration threatens to overwhelm us, let us remember that God’s love and patience are boundless. Instead of allowing frustration to drive a wedge between us and God, let it be a reminder to turn to Him for strength, wisdom, and understanding.

When we feel scattered and overwhelmed, let us seek refuge in God’s presence. He is our anchor amid the storm. By pausing for a moment of prayer or taking a few deep breaths, we can regain our composure and realign our focus on what truly matters. God’s peace is available to us even in the midst of chaos.

Feeling frazzled and overwhelmed is a natural response to life’s fast pace, but it is also an opportunity to practice surrender and trust. When we are frazzled, let us lay our burdens at God’s feet, knowing that He cares for us and can handle all our worries. Embracing His peace, we can find solace in the midst of chaos.

Slowing down and quieting our minds can help us to stay on the path to constant communion. As we navigate the challenges of daily life, scripture reminds us of the importance of slowing down and quieting our minds. In a world that celebrates busyness, finding time to rest and commune with God is crucial for maintaining our spiritual well-being.

It is important that we find stillness in the midst the all the noise: In the hustle and bustle of modern living, finding moments of stillness can feel like a luxury. However, it is in these quiet moments that we can truly connect with God. Setting aside time for reading scripture, prayer, meditation, or simply being in God’s presence helps us tune out the noise of the world and tune into His voice.

We can practice gratitude in the chaos. When we are constantly on the go, it can be challenging to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Yet, even amidst the chaos, there are reasons to be thankful. By intentionally looking for blessings and expressing gratitude to God, we open ourselves up to His peace and joy.

We must remind ourselves of the importance of living in constant communion with God. No matter how frustrated, flustered, or frazzled life may make us feel, we can always turn to Him. Through prayer, stillness, and gratitude, we can find peace and strength to navigate life’s challenges with grace.

May this be a season of embracing God’s constant presence, finding peace amidst the chaos, and slowing down to quiet our minds. By learning to live in communion with our Heavenly Father, we can experience the depth of His love and the serenity of His peace.

Early this month I needed surgery to correct a problem with my back that was causing significant discomfort. I had complete confidence in the surgeon as I had need of his skill earlier for a neck problem. The surgery went extremely well as he was able to correct the problem much easier than he anticipated when viewing the MRI’s. Recovery is going well and I know all of this good news is because of your faithful prayers. Thank you.


Riding Shotgun With God, Evans, Front

I’ve received some very encouraging feedback on my new book. It is filled with over 150 testimonies of miraculous healings I have personally witnessed. Give it a read. You will be encouraged to see how God is still moving powerfully today.

You can order directly from our store at THIS LINK – Riding Shotgun With God

God bless,


How Blessed We Are!

Dear Friends,

Greetings from a heart overflowing with gratitude and awe! As we find ourselves in the beginning of the summer season, I can’t help but reflect on the countless blessings that have filled our lives. Today, I invite you to pause, take a deep breath, and consider just how blessed we truly are.

Have you ever stopped to think about the little things that bring a smile to your face? The simple pleasures that make your heart skip a beat? I’m talking about those moments when the aroma of freshly brewed fills the air, or the laughter of loved ones echoes in your ears. Those blessings that are woven into our lives.

Speaking of blessings, let me share a few moments of personal joy and gratitude that have filled my days. Picture me sitting on my patio, early in the morning with a cup of coffee in my hand surrounded by colorful flowers and plants and the melodies of chirping birds. As I soak in the beauty around me, I’m reminded of how blessed I am to witness the wonders of creation, the sun peeking over the horizon, the beautiful trees scattered around the neighbor’s yards, and the freshness of the day ahead.

But it doesn’t stop there. Life has a way of surprising us with unexpected blessings that leave us smiling from ear to ear. Take a moment to consider the people in our lives who give their love and kindness without expecting anything back. From family and friends who lend a listening ear or share a laugh, to strangers who offer a helping hand when we least expect it, these individuals are true blessings in disguise.

So, have you reached out to express your gratitude to those who have touched your life in profound ways? A simple “thank you” can brighten someone’s day and remind them that they too are cherished blessings. In the grand plan of life, each one of us holds a unique thread that contributes to the beauty of the whole. Our experiences, talents, and quirks shape us into the remarkable individuals we are. So, let us not underestimate the blessings we bring to the world. Whether it’s a kind word that uplifts a weary soul, a compassionate act that spreads joy, or a talent that inspires others, we have the power to make a difference in someone’s life.

As we journey through July, let’s make a conscious effort to count our blessings, both big and small. Let’s cherish the moments of laughter, find joy in the unexpected, and express gratitude for the abundant blessings that grace our lives. And may we never forget that we are blessings to one another, capable of creating positive experiences that extend far beyond what we can imagine.

Thank you for being a cherished part of this community. Your presence, your prayers, and your support continually enrich our lives and remind us of the beauty of shared blessings. May you have a month filled with abundant blessings.

Thank you for your generous and faithful support of our worldwide ministry.


Riding Shotgun With God, Evans, Front

I’ve received some very encouraging feedback on my new book. It is filled with over 150 testimonies of miraculous healings I have personally witnessed. Give it a read. You will be encouraged to see how God is still moving powerfully today.

You can order directly from our store at THIS LINK – Riding Shotgun With God

God bless,


Of Course I Know God Loves Me!

Mike-P1020072-200Dear Friends,

For much of my life, I thought I understood how much God loved me. My relationship with God was comfortable and safe. I called on Him when I needed something, He didn’t put too many demands on me and I did those things I felt were required to stay on His good side. My relationship with God had become as comfortable as the place that many of our relationships end up when we take each other for granted and fall into our comfortable and familiar patterns of behavior. The most obvious that comes to mind is how dangerous it is for those of us who are married. Somewhere along the way the passion and fire of our “first love” is reduced to a pile of barely smoldering embers. We are lulled into such a place of comfort that we don’t even realize what has happened. We are so comfortable with our spouse that we take what we have for granted and fail to realize how special that person is in our life! What I have come to understand better is that as I continue in my walk with the Lord it is crucial and significant that I not get too comfortable and take this relationship with Him for granted.

For instance, it was life-changing for me to discover what it means to live by grace and not performance. I understood that He loved me because I was doing things for Him. But I did not understand that He also loved me when I was not doing anything for Him. When I was hiding my sin, running from Him, and playing the impostor. I had it all together on the outside but was a mess on the inside. To simply come to the place of living in His grace, (defined as a state of being protected by God), helped me to see that there was much more about Him that I did not know. I heard Jack Taylor say, “If you claim to know what you don’t know, you will never know what you do know.”

If you had asked me, do you know God? I would have answered, “Of course, I know God. I’ve been a believer since I was twelve years old!” As I later discovered I was claiming something I really didn’t know and it was keeping me from fully knowing how little of God I did know. If I had stayed in that place of comfort claiming that I did know God, I would never have come to the place of wanting to know Him more. When I began to understand how infinite His love for me is I began to grasp the verses in Romans 8:38-39, “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” That’s incredible!

You might ask, how did this happen, that you came to a place that you wanted to know God better? It came when I made a conscious decision to spend more time in His presence. Brennan Manning wrote in his book, The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus, “The longer you spend in the presence of Jesus the more accustomed you grow to his face, the less adulation you will need because you will have discovered for yourself that He is enough. And in the Presence, you will delight in the discovery of what it means to live by grace and not by performance.”

What incredible freedom this brought to me. Not only did my life not need to revolve around the acceptance and approval of others, but also if my Father God was pleased with me, everything else was of little consequence. At first reading this statement may sound a bit arrogant but think about this. If I am living a life that is pleasing to Him, I will be living out His love for others and treating them with the same love and grace that is being extended to me by God.

If you were to ask me today, do you know God? I would say, “Yes and no.” Yes, I know Him as much as I can at this point in my life, but no I do not know Him as well as I will in the years to come. My quest is now to know what I don’t know which will help me to better understand what I do know. My question for you is, do you know how much God loves you, and how valued you are? Do you understand that He wants to have a passionate, fully alive relationship with you, much like that fire that burns in you when you first fall totally in love with someone? Or are you comfortable where you are?


It’s About Relationship!


“This book frames spiritual growth with God’s heart, given in his Son and validated by His Spirit. This book demolishes our excuses and defenses against divine intimacy. This book is for those willing to have a fresh self-encounter and a fresh God-encounter,” Dr. Don Williams

God wants to hang out with you. We so often feel as if we must be doing something even when we are with God that it’s difficult for us to grasp that He wants to be our friend. In order for deep friendship to develop there are times when we must spend time together doing absolutely nothing but being together.

This book will help you understand that, but only if you apply it will it help you live it. Everything in this world fights against time alone with God. Everything in God longs for time alone with us. Why would you possibly choose to be influenced by the former?

You can order directly from our store at THIS LINK – Why Not Waste Time With God or call 661-833-2920.

Thank you for your prayers and support for Wholeness Ministries. You are vital in our continuing work.

God bless,


Alaska Was Over The Top!

Dear Friends,

I just returned from a Prayer Conference at Community Covenant Church in Eagle River, Alaska. Judith MacNutt and I were the two presenters. I brought along with me Stephen Brown who is a dear friend, a confidant, and a man who boldly prays expecting results. This was one of the most anointed meetings I have attended. From the moment we arrived, it was evident that they had been preparing for months with lots of Intercessory prayer.

Pastor Todd Michero was 100% supportive of this conference and was assisted by Pastor Heather Smith who also put in a tremendous amount of time and energy to pull this off. There was an active Intercessory prayer team ministry going on before we arrived and during the conference. In addition, they had well-trained prayer teams available during the conference. In regards to the praise and worship, to say that the worship was good does not do it justice. There were two anointed worship leaders that shared the three-day conference that led us into the presence of God immediately. It was a powerful time!

We had a number of indigenous people who came from the villages up in the Arctic Circle. A special surprise for me was that one of them who attended the conference that we did in 2008 told me that they had been using my book, “Learning To Do What Jesus Did,” along with the teaching CDs for the last 15 years. Their passion was to teach and use the material in their village and then to go out into the surrounding villages to teach and minister. Again I was reminded that you never know where your books will be utilized. For those of you who support this ministry, without your help, this could not happen. Thank you!

Where to begin with all the miraculous moves of God! First, let me say that I believe I saw more healing at this conference than at any conference I’ve attended in the last few years. Judith and I offered healing prayer Thursday night and Saturday night where we had everyone who wanted prayer come forward. They were standing along the front and down the side aisles of the church. There were only a few left sitting as I think almost everyone attending came forward for prayer.

The first person I prayed for was healed. She had on thick glasses and told me her eyesight was cloudy. I had her remove the glasses and I placed my hands on her eyes and prayed. When I removed my hands she looked around and with excitement and laughter told me that her eyes were completely clear!

Mike and Hunter

I met Hunter, a young boy 8 years old, who was incredibly gifted. I spotted him when I first entered the church and knew there was something special about him. Soon those who knew him began to share with me the various ministry gifts he operated in. Not only was he involved in intercessory prayer but operated in gifts of healing and prophecy.

At one point I had him pray with me for people. His prayers were so simple, for example, he would say, “Jesus, heal their ankle, amen.” And sometimes healing would happen instantly. It was great fun to watch him and have him along.

Donna, the lady who shared with me that they had been using my material up in the villages in the Arctic also came for prayer and was instantly healed of a shoulder issue she had for years.

There are many other stories I will share in next month’s issue but for now, I want to thank you for your continued support for Wholeness Ministries. Both your financial support and prayer support are much needed and appreciated.

God bless,
