Ruach Israel is Still Rocking!
May 1, 2018
Dear Friends,
I just returned from Needham, MA and the second annual healing conference at Ruach Israel Messianic Synagogue. This year Judith MacNutt joined me. It was great to see my dear friend again as I always enjoy sitting under her teaching and ministering alongside of her. The theme of the conference this year centered on Inner Healing. This is such a diverse topic and we were able to cover trauma, deliverance, and unforgiveness, which helped people specifically identify what some of their issues were.
Because this was held with a group of Messianic Jews we were able to observe and participate in their traditions and how they understood and celebrated Yeshua (Jesus) and healing. Rabbi Nathan is the spearhead for this movement among the Messianic community and is backed and encouraged by his senior Rabbi Rich. It’s encouraging and exciting to see how this is catching the attention of other Messianic Rabbi’s who want this in their synagogue.
As a result of my visit last year Rabbi Nathan has been invited to other synagogues to teach and minister healing. In addition to the teaching times we observed powerful ministry as people came for prayer and God freed them up from many issues they had been crippled with emotionally for years. It amazes me to watch him impact and change their lives so quickly and in such a powerful way. As we are praying for them there is often crying or laughter and often times there is such power that they cannot stand. I’m already looking forward to next year’s conference!
Some of you are aware of this but I wanted to be certain all of you knew what I am facing. I have been experiencing increasing weakness in my legs over the last year. After numerous tests at the USC Spinal Center it was determined that I am dealing with a condition called spinal stenosis. The doctor said my spine was such a mess he was surprised that I was not in a wheelchair! My immediate thought was that God has kept me going all these years because of what I am doing!
The Surgeon informed me that unless he goes in and corrects this I will continue to lose strength in my legs. So after much thought and prayer I decided to schedule the surgery at the USC Keck Spinal Surgery Center on May 15th. I’ve met with the surgeon three times and have confidence in his ability to do this surgery. My wife and daughter will be joining me in LA for the surgery. The Dr. said the recovery will be 3-6 months depending on what they find when they actually get in there. So be praying for the surgeon and me.
I have had significant prayer for this and obviously would much prefer for God to heal my back. I will continue to expect divine healing up to the moment of surgery. Pray that this will all go well and I’ll be back up to 100% soon. Thank you.
I’ve been going back over the newsletters pulling out testimonies of healing since we started in 1994. I am amazed, as I look back how many there are. My intention is to share them in my next book.
Thank you for your continued support of this ministry. It is amazing to me we have been doing this for over 23 years!
God bless,