When The Money Becomes Tight!

I seldom write about money but I need to let you know that we are in a difficult place. In addition to providing funds for the daily needs of this ministry such as my salary, utilities, and administrative costs, I do many other things that require funds.

I meet with people weekly for one on one-prayer ministry sessions that usually last two hours. Some of the people are able to donate to the ministry but many are not. I don’t turn anyone away for lack of funds. In addition to those that can come to the office I do a number of ministry prayer sessions over Skype, which is a great tool for meeting with people, many of whom are out of state or overseas.

In addition for 4 years I have met with a group of young men in my home each Saturday morning to mentor and in many cases be a spiritual father to them. This may seem like a small thing but in addition to Saturday I meet with them during the week for ministry or coffee or breakfast, etc., just to spend time with them. It is very fulfilling to see the profound impact this has on their lives. They come from a variety of backgrounds, churches and experiences. Many of them are active in their church or some area of ministry directly as a result of this time spent with them.

We also support two missionary families in Eastern Europe for $650 per month. Adam & Orsi Balogh and their family in Hungary. Adam has a significant ministry and travels throughout Eastern Europe. You can read last month’s newsletter for more detail.


Eduard & Ibi Rudolf and their family in Romania. They minister among the gypsies in Apata and the surrounding villages in Romania. They also have a profound impact that you can read about in our February 2015 newsletter.


The invitations to travel and speak have dropped off some and I’m not sure why however this has allowed me more time to spend in Bakersfield meeting and praying with people as well as the other duties I have outlined above. My time here was limited previously because of my travels. I honestly think I have more of an impact on people’s lives this way.

We have a bare bones budget and operate very close to the bone each month. The last three months have been difficult. We have experienced a significant drop in donations to such an extent that I only received one full paycheck in August rather than two and September looks as if it may be a repeat of that. There are also bills that we are running behind on that need to be paid. I don’t like being in this position and it is not a good witness to the people with whom we do business.

If you can help one-time gifts are much appreciated but we also need additional donors to come alongside us monthly. We need about $2,000 a month more than we are currently receiving. If you are donating to Wholeness Ministries would you consider increasing your donation? If you are not would you consider becoming one of our regular supporters. We have been doing this for 21 years and from the testimonies we receive many lives have been profoundly impacted.

You can go onto our website under Donate and give one-time gifts or become one of our regular partners in ministry. Go to www.wholeness.org/donate. Or you can mail donations to Wholeness at P.O. Box 80503, Bakersfield, CA 93380.

Thank you for your consideration and may God guide you in this.
